DB Version Maintenance Release Notes

Release Date: 8/17/2010

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the Tenmast Software Maintenance Release with the release date of 8/17/2010.

Consumable Inventory Release Notes

Form Letters Release Notes

Master Setup Release Notes

Occupancy and Rent Calculation Release Notes

Accounts Payable Release Notes

Custom Report Writer Release Notes

Applicant List Release Notes

Consumable Inventory

Correction ID: CI000233

Cannot create a physical inventory in the system. A gray box error appears when trying to create a new physical inventory in the system. Fixed error that generated the error message"stock number in table tmpCICount cannot be null" and would not allow client to finish wizard.

Path: Consumable Inventory > Physical Inventory > Add New Record

Correction ID: CI000235

If JVs are not grouped by date and originating fund, then GL can have problems generating interfund entries to balance the batches.

Consumable Inventory batches should now match transfers in with transfers out in the same JV to correctly determine the originating fund.

 Path: Consumable Inventory > Setup > Post to GL

Form Letters

Correction ID: FL000079

When using the Multiple Family Data Source when printing Form Letters in Occupancy and Rent Calculation, the program would not print just a single letter for a single tenant, but instead, it generated letters for all tenants.  We have corrected this issue and now the program will generate only one form letter for the selected tenant.

Master Setup

Correction ID: MS000113

Clicking on the Enable check box to uncheck and disable a user was not holding, so when you would go back in, the  Enable check box would once again be checked and the user would not be disabled.  This has been corrected.

Path: Master Setup > Maintain Users > Change User Info Icon > Enable checkbox

Occupancy and Rent Calculation

Correction ID: ORC001515

The program was allowing you to add in another certification for the same effective date but a different transaction type than the one that already existed in the system. This caused the completed certification with the same effective date to change transaction types and show as In Process. Also, because it did not reopen the previous certification, it left the lease detail record tied to the new certification in Tenant Accounts Receivable, so even if you deleted the new certification, you couldn't complete the old certification.

A change was made to the program so that each certification is treated individually and a new certification does not overwrite the old certification.

Path: Tenants > Certifications tab

Correction ID: ORC001551

Reopening a Flat Rent Annual Update (12) certification does not properly remove the lease detail record in Tenant Accounts Receivable. When you try to close the certification you receive a greybox error.  This has been corrected.

Path: Tenants > Certifications

Accounts Payable

Correction ID: PBL000418

While adding invoices, the Total Invoice amount was getting out of sync with the invoice detail line items.  This was causing checks to post incorrectly in ledger.

Path: Payables > Maintain Invoices > View Open Invoices > Add Invoice Wizard

Path:Payables > Maintain Invoices > View Open Invoices > Wizard icon drop-down list >Import from PO

Path:Payables > Maintain Invoices > View Open Invoices > Wizard icon drop-down list >Import from Recurring

Path:Payables > Maintain Invoices > View Paid Invoices > Wizard icon drop-down list >Import from Paid (History)

Correction ID: PBL000423

Check processing and discounts where allocations are used has a rounding error that creates a Debit <>Credit error in check processing if your allocation is spread across multiple lines (e.g.,10 -15 lines). This rounding problem has been corrected.

Path: PBL > Check processing

Correction ID: PBL000482

Validate the mismatch amounts after processing the pre-check report. This will include any credit memo and discounts. Users can still verify that any of the total amounts are greater or less than the sum of all the detail line items and, if not, users now will be unable to process checks.

Path: PBL > Processing Checks >Validate the mismatch amounts after processing the pre-check report.

Custom Report Writer

Correction ID: RPT000050

Users logging into Custom Report Writer who had not been a member of a group were incidentally given access to all groups allowing them to run reports from other groups.  Users logging in will no longer have access to groups they have not been assigned to and will not be able to run reports from any other group.

Path: Reports > Maintain Reports

Correction ID: RPT000051

When you would choose either Pre-defined query or, from data dictionary, Choose your table>Choose your fields and, in the field-selection screen, the user interface that would allow you to sort the fields in the order you needed them to appear, was missing. This has been corrected.

Path: Custom Report Writer > Add Report

 Applicant List

Correction ID: APP000718

Going back into Applicant Details after adding a new household member to the applicant details and then exiting and updating, causes all the household members to have the head of household's name. This has been corrected.

Path: Applicant > Edit Applicant Details

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An MRI Software Company